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Culver City Historical Society Museum Entrance Sign

Our Location
Veterans Memorial Building at 4117 Overland Ave

1st & 3rd Sundays;
1:00p to 3:00p and by appointment

(310) 253-6941


The heart of our Historical Society is our museum, archive and research center.  We are hidden away at the rear entrance of the imposing Veterans Memorial Complex on the corner of Overland Avenue and Culver Boulevard.

The western entrance adjoins the parking lot in the rear of the building with the huge tower.  Come through the automatic doors and our museum is to the right.

Here you can take journeys into time; beginning with the Spanish Land Grant days circa 1769, through the early rancho period, to the founding of the city in the early

20th century and the establishment of the major film studios and the rise of early aviation pioneers — all the way up to today.

Every inch of our space is filled with curiosities from bygone ages, archaeological artifacts from the area, newspaper records, city archives, memorabilia of places and events that no longer exist but have shaped the city.

Our various collections focus on specific areas of our city and local area history and include, historic photos, videos, books, maps, handmade displays and exhibits; all of which are displayed in rotating exhibitions periodically.

Showing part of the museum collection
Showing part of the museum collection


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  • by: Robin Turner, Vice President, Museum Even though it seemed like moving into our new Culver City Historical Society Archive and Research Center (ARC) took forever to do, we are …

  • by: Robin Turner, Vice President, Museum LOTS OF HARD WORK & . . . WOW!!! Have the past few months been busy! The Historical Society was given two light-based tables …

  • ARC Update Winter 2007

    by: Robin Turner, Vice President, Museum HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL! What a great way to start the New Year. In December, the Museum Committee got together to work on the …

  • Museum Notes by Robin Turner, Museum Chair A NEW DAY FOR THE SOCIETY! We are currently seeing history-in-the making regarding our Historical Society. As you read on the front page, …